Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Something Like A Song.

So just throw me to the floor
 when you've destroyed me,
Use up every drip of blood
 and bone,
Burn up everything that once
 reminded me of home,
Because it's no use to me now,
No it means nothing somehow.
What's the saddest thing of all,
Is that you let me take the fall,
So much for the words that
 you once told me,
It counts for nothing now
That your riches have been found,
I know,
A heart of gold just doesn't
 pay the bills.
What I wonder now,
As I ache here on the ground
Is how you found the poison
 to hush every living sound,
Could it be your words of steal,
Or just the hatred you couldn't heal,
I guess it doesn't matter,
Since we're all still here,
In this place filled with darkness,
And no sense of direction,
It's going to be a long walk home,
And home might not still be
 there anymore.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Another day ends
 and the floods of tears come,
Boiling over lashes,
Hot and fierce,
What is there to do?
Nothing will help,
This won't ever end,
The constant battle with
 the enemy,
Condemned to feel this way,
Put down and forced to
 keep quiet.
But what if we say no?
Who will fight you then?
Who can you crush if we
Admit it,
You are nothing if there is
 no suffering,
So long as you are reassured,
That guarantee that is
 so precious,
That another's life is worse
 than that of your own,
Well what worries are left
All the fights have been fought,
All your followers have abandoned and
You are not indestructible it
But broken and alone in the
And though we may cry now,
We know the end comes soon,
Because revolution is coming,
Revolution is here.